Sunday 6 September 2015

Top 10 similarities between 100 days of Modi govt and Obama govt

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Barack Obama are among the world's powerful leaders. Obama has shown the world his leadership skills as the US president for two consecutive terms. On the contrary, Modi has garnered the world's attention with his flawless governance skills even before becoming the prime minister of India, as the successful chief minister of Gujarat in past 15 years. Lets take a look at 10 similarities of the first 100 days of Modi-led NDA government and Obama government:
Economy challenge 
 Obama: In 2008, when Barack Obama was elected as the US president, then the first challenging task for him was to bring back the country's economy on the right track. America's GDP growth rate was reported to be 0.3% at that time. 
Modi: When Narendra Modi took oath as India's prime minister in May 2016, the country's economic situation was a challenge for him, which was at 4.5% GDP growth rate. [Read: Modi warns of tough measures on economic front]
Citizen Economic plan
Obama: In his first 100 days, Obama launched an economic plan of $787 billion. Besides, he also launched schemes like health insurance, working family schemes and women-related schemes. 
 Modi: PM Modi announced "PM Jan Dhan Yojana" on 15th August, during his speech from the ramparts of the Red Fort. He launched this ambitious scheme on August 28, 2016, so that every individual has a bank account of his/her own and to improve the financial situation of every household. [Read: Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana launched]
Women empowerment

Obama: Obama backed gender identity and spoke on curbing female foeticide.
 Modi: Modi also speaks in favour of women empowerment and against female foeticide. During his maiden speech as India's PM on Independence Day, PM talked about lack of toilets for women in rural areas and the problems they have to face on daily basis. He also talked about the importance of girl child education.[Read: PM Modi's Independence Day speech]

Top 10 similarities between 100 days of Modi govt and Obama govt

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